Mission Possible: Tackling Tasks Like a President

October 11, 2024

Now, I’ve been around the block a few times (remember my paper round story from last week), and let me tell you, I’ve seen my share of to-do lists that are longer than an Easyjet queue at the airport (don't get me started...🤬). We all have the same 24 hours in a day (so says Molly-Mae), but sometimes it feels like our to-do lists are trying to stretch that to a cheeky 48. So, what's a fella to do?

Having a strategy for your to-dos isn’t about turning into a robot; it's about keeping your marbles when life's throwing you more curveballs than a dodgy street vendor. It's about not being that person who's always running around like a headless chicken, looking busy but not actually getting anywhere.

(N.B. Did you know there was a chicken, aptly called Mike, that had its head chopped off but managed to live for another 18 months? It's not even a joke. I promise. Have a read here if you don't believe me.)

Let’s talk about Dwight Eisenhower. Big name, big job, the chap was a president, for goodness' sake. You’d think he'd be all over the place like a whirlwind in a teacup (I almost said a Stormie in a teacup but that's a different president), but no, he had a trick up his sleeve. He knew that not all tasks are born equal – some are the golden geese, and others are just... well, geese.

It’s all about the clever pickings. Eisenhower had his hands full with running a country and all, but he kept his head by being smart about what he tackled first. He figured that doing something wasn't just about ticking it off the list; it was about doing something that actually mattered.

Why's this important? Because we can all be busy fools. Ever spent an entire day working your socks off only to feel like you've accomplished the sum total of zilch at the end of it? That's because being productive isn't the same as being busy. It's like comparing a microwave meal to your gran's Sunday roast – they’re not even in the same league.

Before you dive headfirst into that mountain of tasks, take a breather. Ask yourself: "Is this task a Mick Jagger (a rock star move) or is it a bit of a damp squib?" This isn't about being idle; it's about being smart where you hustle. It’s about keeping your wits when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.

In the end, it’s about quality, not just quantity. So let’s not get lost in the busywork bog. Let’s be the maestros of our own time, and let’s do it with a bit of flair, shall we? Because life’s too short for just going through the motions.

Let’s have a little think about this strategy our president used: The Eisenhower Matrix, shall we? It’s like that drawer we’ve all got at home, the one where we chuck everything we don’t know what to do with. Except, imagine if that drawer was some sort of magical sorting hat that told you what was worth your time and what was just clutter. Spare wires for things you've not used in forever? Slytherin! Business cards from people you'll likely never meet? Hufflepuff!

Here’s the deal: you’ve got four bins to throw your tasks into, and it’s dead simple. First up, there’s the “Do” bin, for the stuff that’s burning a hole in your pocket – like that email marked 'urgent' from the boss that you know you can’t just leave to simmer. It’s the equivalent of your mate ringing you up and saying there’s a round on them down the pub – you wouldn’t dawdle, would you? (Or maybe you would, depending on the mate...)

Then, there’s the “Decide” bin. That’s for the nifty things that deserve a ponder over a brew but don’t need you dropping everything. Think of it like planning a holiday; you don’t just wake up one day, grab your passport and leg it to the airport (who are these sick people?!). You’ve got to plan it out, maybe save up a bit. It’s important, sure, but you’ve got a minute to breathe.

Moving on, we’ve got the “Delegate” bin. It’s recognising when someone else can handle a task better than you. Like when you’re fixing a leak and you realise you’re about to turn your kitchen into an indoor pool. Sometimes, you’ve got to pass the wrench to a mate who actually knows what they’re doing. I read on Instagram the other day that getting older is 'knowing a guy' (Kudos to @raddad)

And lastly, the dreaded “Delete” bin. This one’s a toughie because it’s chucking out the rubbish – tasks that are about as useful as a chocolate teapot. These are the things that make you look busy but don’t really get you anywhere, like scrolling through social media for one-liners or 'motivational memes' as I like to call them (guilty as charged, though).

So, imagine if we used this sorting hat for our daily grind. We’d be smashing through work, delegating like a boss, and we’d have more time for the good stuff – like that actual pint in the pub, not just the promise of one.

Now, I’m not here to sermonise or to tell you I’ve got it all sussed. Blimey, I’m still figuring out how to not forget to put out the actual bins....BRB... But I reckon if we all gave this matrix malarkey a go, we might just find ourselves a bit less messy.

So, here’s the crux of it – next time you’re knee-deep in to-dos, take a pencil and create 4 boxes. Sort it out. Do, Decide, Delegate, or Delete. Keep it real and keep it sorted. And hey, if you end up with a bit more time on your hands, why not pop in for a natter? After all, the best plans are often made over a pint, not a post.

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