Digital Coexistence: Balancing AI with Human Ingenuity

October 11, 2024

Apologies to the rock-dwellers who refuse to engage in social media or jump all over the latest tech hype but we are diving into AI in this section. It's not an overtly techie idea but more one for us all to ponder whatever our stage of life, work situation or country of origin (it's great to have readers from Rwanda, South Africa, USA, Australia, Sweden, Ireland, as well as the UK - I hope for this to reach more countries as we grow too!)

I am not a doomsday prophet but acknowledge the real and present danger of the rise of the machines. Yuval Noah Harari correctly pointed out that the AI Revolution is unlike any other tech change (Industrial Revolution, printing press, internet) as it is the only one where the machines can and will make decisions apart from humans. Algorithms by nature do not require human fiddling or control once they are in play. There are hundreds of others sounding this death knoll for civilisation too - Geoffrey Hinton, Mo Gawdat and Timnit Gebru to name but three. They probably know things I don't but I will err on the edge of positivity and discuss how I think we need to work with machines rather than stand against them, at least in the foreseeable!

I think there is space for an interplay between AI and Humans, the machines and the mind. It can be a partnership rather than a conflict. As David Price might say it's a dance between humans and machines. And in any dance, each partner has their role to play and it is in the synergy that the magic happens. Could there be a solo piece which doesn't require either? Yes, of course. Is it better if we duet? I think so. Dance-offs lead to one person losing; duets lead to both partners getting equal scores. Who doesn't love a bit of Strictly?!

How then can we play nicely with AI?

Personalise Daily Life - for me, this means finding ways for machines to make every facet of my life more attuned to what I need. It might mean employing AI to tailor my daily experiences, from leisure activities to personal development. Imagine an AI that learns from my reading habits and suggests authors who align with my tastes, or an AI culinary assistant that helps me explore recipes based on my dietary preferences and past cooking experiences.

It could be about a bespoke fitness or learning plan that caters for my skills, chronotype and family setup. Just like Netflix and Spotify have recommendations, working with AI across other spheres of life, I can help it fit me better. This approach is about making AI a seamless, enhancing presence in my life.

Foster More Meaningful Connection - by analysing my communication patterns, AI could offer me insights that help strengthen my existing relationships as it identifies nuances in my interactions and suggests ways I can enhance my communication for more profound and rewarding connections. Do I talk too much? Am I listening attentively? How does my body language position me? It can also expand my social circle and assist in bridging cultural and social gaps.

By suggesting connections outside my usual sphere, AI can help me broaden my horizons and gain diverse perspectives. It can teach me to be more mindful and intentional in my interactions, encouraging me to invest in relationships that are truly enriching and fulfilling. This might need cameras, listening devices or motion detectors but could it help me connect more meaningfully? (Just think about how dating apps have exploded - you have more opportunity to match with those who you are most likely to connect with. Let's not mention how casual that connection has become - it might ruin my point!)

Create and Iterate More Efficiently - using chat tools for idea generation, creative development and editing is the way that modern creators are working. It's true that human storytelling is unique in that we hold our own experiences and lens through which we see and tell stories. That being said, if you train an AI model well enough (with custom instructions and clear prompting), you can work with the machines to get better quality ideas and much more efficiently.

Using AI in this manner is not about replacing human creativity but augmenting it. It's about using technology as a partner in the creative journey, one that complements and enhances my storytelling abilities. The AI doesn't take over the creative process; it acts as a sounding board, a source of inspiration, and a tool for refining ideas. As I continue to explore this partnership, I find that my storytelling not only becomes more efficient but also more diverse and enriched, reflecting a blend of human experience and AI's computational creativity.

Predict and Plan Purposefully (all the Ps and I didn't even use ChatGPT!) - AI's ability to analyse vast amounts of data and trends allows for highly tailored advice for things like career planning or financial modelling. By examining current job market trends, emerging industries, and skill demands, AI can provide guidance on career paths that are likely to be fruitful in the future. It can also assess my skills and interests, suggesting areas for development that would align with future opportunities. This helps me stay ahead of the curve.

Similarly, when it comes to financial advice, AI's predictive analysis can be a game-changer. By analysing my spending habits, income, and financial goals, AI can offer personalised advice on budgeting, investing, and saving. It can predict future financial trends and advise on investment strategies that maximise returns while aligning with my risk tolerance. Moreover, AI can continuously monitor the market and my financial health, providing real-time suggestions and adjustments.

So, it's not about either/or dichotomies. The genie is out of the bottle as my friend, Bob Harrison, would say. We have a very real opportunity to dance with AI and augment our lives more fully.

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